We are very proud to have been awarded an FFT National Attendance Award. FFT collects daily attendance data from over 10,000 schools. This data helps schools to track, monitor and compare their attendance every week. St Michael's Easthampstead has been in the top 25% of all FFT schools nationally for the 2023/24 Autumn term.
Parents should contact the School Office as soon as possible on the first day of an illness . If the school does not hear from parents by 9.20am they will ring all three contacts and if this is unsuccessful, a welfare check will be carried out.
Children with any sickness or diarrhoea should be clear for at least 48 hours before returning to school.
Taking holidays during the school term is not an entitlement and is not authorised by the school. Permission for leave of absence other than illness must be sought from the Head Teacher and is granted only in exceptional circumstances, in accordance with the school’s Attendance Policy. The school will not provide work for pupils taken out of school for unauthorised absence.
Attendance impacts directly on attainment at school and for this reason we ask that parents:
- ensure children attend school regularly and are punctual
- advise the school in advance of any unavoidable absences or holidays (please complete a form available from the school office)
- make medical appointments for after school or during school holidays where possible, or at the end of the day so that your child can attend part of the school day
- provide evidence of any medical appointments
- provide evidence of medication or Doctor’s appointments associated with such illnesses
- do not keep children home for birthday treats, shopping, haircuts or other similar situations – these will not be authorise absences
Our Education Welfare Officer works closely with school to monitor attendance and absence issues. Any unacceptable or excessive number of absences will be investigated further.