Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Class teacher – Mrs Richardson
TA – Mrs Fordham
- PE -
Year 2 have PE on a Monday and Thursday afternoons.
As per the email sent out at the end of last term, pupils will now be changing into PE kits at school on PE days, so please ensure that all PE kit and uniform items are named in order to avoid losing items of clothing.
Please make sure that earrings are taped over with plasters or microporous tape on PE days. Only stud earrings should be worn to school.
P.E. Kit
Plain white t-shirt
Black or purple shorts
Black or purple jogging bottoms (for outdoor PE)
Black or purple sweatshirt/hoody (for outdoor PE)
Suitable trainers (indoor PE bare feet)
- Reading -
The children will read every day at school during our whole class reading sessions. We also encourage pupils to choose a book to bring home which they think they will enjoy reading.
As they come across unfamiliar vocabulary, we (and you at home) can help to find out the meaning of those new words and explore putting the words into sentences in order to reinforce the correct context and use of the word.
Pupils will also have the opportunity to borrow a book from the school library each week. These can be changed every Friday.
Please write in your child’s reading record when you have heard them read at home so that we know how they are getting on and enjoying their chosen texts.
- Snack and Lunch -
Year 2 are entitled to free school meals. School meals can be pre-ordered at home, or pupils can choose their meals independently when they first come into class each morning.
The school provides a fruit or vegetable snack for mid-morning break, but children can bring a fruit or vegetable snack in from home if they wish.
Please avoid all nut products in lunchboxes, due to a number of allergies in school.