Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
Class teacher – Mrs Hamman
TA - Miss Harris (am)
Mrs Cane (pm)
- PE -
Willows have PE on a Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Children should wear their PE kit to school. We will be having sessions outside (depending on weather) so please send them in weather appropriate clothes. Please make sure that children have earrings taped over with plasters or microporous tape on PE days. Only stud earrings should be worn to school.
P.E. Kit
Plain white t-shirt
Black or purple shorts
Black or purple jogging bottoms (for outdoor PE)
Black or purple sweatshirt/hoody (for outdoor PE)
Suitable trainers (indoor PE bare feet)
- Reading -
The children will read every day at school and bring their new book home on a Friday, please write in their reading books so that we know how they are getting on at home. They will also bring home a library book for you to share together.
- Snack and Lunch -
If possible, please order lunches at home to help us have a smooth start to the day. The school provides a fruit or vegetable snack for mid-morning break, children can bring a fruit or vegetable snack if they wish.