Year 3
Year 3
Teacher: Miss Johnson
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Cane and Miss Harris
Spring 1, 2025
Welcome Back, Year 3!
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year! Welcome back to Year 3 and happy 2025!
Our Spring 1 topic is ‘France’ in which we will be conducting a place study on France and using comparisons to the UK to learn more about France. This will feed into our writing in English this half term as we look at persuasive writing with travel brochures to persuade our readers to go on holiday to France. Please find all of the different things that we are learning on our curriculum overview pages below. These will be updated each half term with all of the fun things that we are learning.
On this page you will find:
- The home learning grid for Spring 1 half-term
- Spelling list
- Topic grid for ‘France’
- Resources to support at home
Miss Johnson, Mrs Cane and Miss Harris
Important information:
PE day – Wednesday
Please make sure your child brings in their PE kit at the start of the week and they will come back home on a Friday – as per the communication sent by email in December, we will be changing into our PE kits at school from January! Please make sure ALL clothing and bags are NAMED!
Please order lunches at home to help us to have a smooth start to the day and encourage your child to bring in a healthy snack for playtime.
Please could you ensure that your child has the correct stationary for school and their reading book in school each day. Please make sure that their stationary and uniform is named so we can return it to your child quickly and easily.
We will be going to the library on Friday afternoons so please ensure that children have their library books with them if they would like to change them.
On this page you will find:
- The home learning grid for Spring 1 half-term
- Spelling list
- Topic grid for 'France'
- Stationary list for KS2
If you need to chat to me about anything, I will be at the classroom door at the start and end of the day or if you need a little longer, please make an appointment via the office.