School Council
Our School Council consists of children elected by their class to represent their views. We meet at least once a half term to discuss any issues or events that are happening which the children would like to support. The representatives talk to their class, bring their thoughts to the meeting and then feedback to their class.
This year our school council is:
Y6 – James & Mia
Y5 – Frankie & Osian
Y4 – Leonora & Adam
Y3 – Blake & Matilda
Y2 - Harvey, Ava, Maia & Megan
Y1 – George & Maya
James is our Chairperson.
So far this year we have supported Children in Need where we ran a colouring competition. We are working on our Red Nose day plans to run a quiz.
We have talked about different ideas for clubs and what kind of equipment we would like to have for our playtimes.